Hello everybody,

my name is Elke Duerr and I am a filmmaker, photographer, author and the founder of the non profit 501 (c)(3) Web of Life Foundation, W.O.L.F.  www.weboflifefoundation.net. Today I invite you to be a part of my mission and life’s work: The reconnection of humans to nature in all of her splendor and to all of her creatures, plants and minerals. 

After producing two award winning documentaries: “Stories of Wolves-The lobo returns” and “Bison Nation Walking Sacred Sites” which just recently received an honorable mention for a humanitarian award, I currently am in the process of working on my third documentary: “Water is our Relative-Water is Alive” about the significance of water and her animals for the planet, humanity, the future generations and the human heart. Did you know that a newborn baby is %75 water? That an adult body contains %50-60 water. Water is truly our relative. Water is ALIVE!

I recently came to the realization that only together, with as much positive energy and love for water as possible can we make a difference. Not every body is able to go out in the field, make human and animal connections, witness, interview and film. If the thought of supporting water and the preservation of her purity and sustainability for the next generations to come has crossed your mind before, here is a very practical opportunity for you to contribute your energy, resources and good intention to the water project. 

In the midst of the Standing Rock water protector movement I came to the conclusion that there must be a reason for so many humans to come together to protect our water, to put their lives on the line for water. The movement for the protection and preservation of water is growing. As a filmmaker I started to ask myself deeper questions:

What is it that connects us humans to water? How can we be an active part in the restoration of all beings and things connected to water and water Herself?

Why is water so important and how can we bring this deep and resonationg message to the general public? 

At the moment I am working with scientists, citizens, students and water recreators to document what is being done to preserve our precious coral reefs and sea water quality.

Still water, rain water, the rain forest and springs all will be part of my exploration of the water subject next.

My journey to gather the water stories of old and explore the ancient human-water relationship will lead me to indigenous communities throughout the US and Canada where I will be conducting film screenings and outreach talks. Funds raised will be utilized to purchase equipment, pay for editing expenses, traveling.

As I am traveling to obtain footage and interviews I am also doing film screenings of my previous documentaries and promoting the message that my book “Wolves and Humans-a new story of coexistence” is spreading and outreach presentations in the schools, the academic community and the larger public.

Please consider being a part of this mission by donating to the project. Every donor will receive alink to the completed film, no exceptions, every body and every donation matters, donors of $500 will be included in the credits and donations of a $1000 and more will be receiving a free animal communication session with me and the donors will be included in the credits.

Let’s make every minute count with our love, care and concern for the health of water, of the animals, plants and minerals, of humanity and the whole planet. The time is now and we are it! Everybody counts, everybody is important! Together we can move mountains!

Thank you! Danke! Merci! Gracias! Grazie! Tak! 

Please donate to the project at the link below:



Hello, World!

